The world-renowned german photographer Robert Lebeck openend his exibition in the Lumas Gallery in Düsseldorf on 2011-03-18. I had the opportunity to join this event and was very pleased by the behaving of this man. Although he was the center of the evening he was withdrawn and unassuming. He was also very friendly and humorous. When I had the chance to have a conversation with Lebeck I shaped the hypothesis that his behaving would have helped to get access to people when performing his profession as a photo journalist. He told me that he had never thought about when he was doing the job but could agree with the consideration.
Lebecks photographs show that once he had creeped up on somebody on velvet praws he was able to catch the moment with his argus-eyes. See the website of Robert Lebeck for some examples or a brief study. I looked at the evening not only as a visit but as a training in photo jorunalism too. So I took a lot of frames of Lebeck acting on this stage and trying to show his friendlyness and humor. There were three or four more photographers who besieged him the whole evening and there were a lot of guests with their point-an-shoot-cameras too but Lebeck was not disturbed in his serenity. I am very thankful for this.

Der weltbekannte deutsche Fotograf Robert Lebeck eröffnete am 18.03.2011 seine Ausstellung in der Lumas-Galerie in Düsseldorf. Hier steht er inmitten seines Auditoriums bei einem Interview.. / .The world-renowned german photographer Robert Lebeck openend his exibition in the Lumas Gallery in Düsseldorf on 2011-03-18. Here he stands amidst his audience while interviewed.

Der weltbekannte deutsche Fotograf Robert Lebeck eröffnete am 18.03.2011 seine Ausstellung in der Lumas-Galerie in Düsseldorf. Hier steht er lachend inmitten seines Auditoriums bei einem Interview… / The world-renowned german photographer Robert Lebeck openend his exibition in the Lumas Gallery in Düsseldorf on 2011-03-18. Here he stands laughing amidst his audience while interviewed.

Der weltbekannte deutsche Fotograf Robert Lebeck eröffnete am 18.03.2011 seine Ausstellung in der Lumas-Galerie in Düsseldorf. Ein Gast (Andreas Ehrhard) überreicht ihm den Bildband Photography Unplugged von Harald Mante als Geschenk für seinen drei Tage später bevorstehenden Geburtstag.. / .The world-renowned german photographer Robert Lebeck openend his exibition in the Lumas Gallery in Düsseldorf on 2011-03-18. A guest (Andreas Ehrhard) consigns Lebeck the photobook Photography Unplugged by Harald Mante in anticipation of Lebecks birthday three days later.

Der weltbekannte deutsche Fotograf Robert Lebeck eröffnete am 18.03.2011 seine Ausstellung in der Lumas-Galerie in Düsseldorf. Das Foto zeigt ihn als Silhouette reflektiert in seinem eigenen Bild und die ihn umgebenden Menschen beim Signieren seiner Bilder und Bücher. / The world-renowned german photographer Robert Lebeck openend his exibition in the Lumas Gallery in Düsseldorf on 2011-03-18. This Photograph does show Lebeck as a Silhouette reflected in his own picture and the people surrounding him when signing his books and photographs.